Hello there, I’m Steven Fleming. I am a recent Interactive Media graduate with a passion for graphic design and video editing. Through this course I have been able to develop my skills in multiple disciplines, including videography, graphic design, web design and motion graphics. I have also had the chance to work with 360 degree cameras and experience the editing work flow that accompanies it. I look forward to improving my skill-set further and developing as a creative individual.

Major Project: Fun Topics With The Weatherbies: Online Learning Content for Children
My Major project consists of 3 videos, each lasting 2-3 minutes, and covering a topic related to the earth and the environment. These videos were developed with the intent of being educational aid for children during lockdown with the potential to be used in classroom environments after lockdown. This project helped me to develop my motion graphic and illustration skills, as well as my ability to develop for a core demographic. I had to specific design choices to meet the requirements for the younger audience as well as identifying key factors that make it suitable for both at home learning and classroom settings.
I also made use of my web design skills to create an accompanying web page to host this content. The web page was being added to an already existing website and the project was being carried out for a client so it was good practice for me in keeping a consistent look across the brand and meeting client demands.
Project Links: The Weatherbies website